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Scope of Digital Marketing in 2017

As we are in tune with the fashion trends each season similarly we need to keep a close eye on technology and digital marketing upcoming trends. The reason to keep exploring is simple, today billions of business happens each day over social media and online ecommerce platforms. Understanding it and that playing well is the smartest way.

We all know that a full range of marketing activities can be planned, designed, developed, and maintained using state-of-the-art digital tools and internet or web technologies. So let’s explore the options which we have today:

Videos: The trend is moving towards videos as within 2 minutes we are able to see a life of an influential leader. May be the 2 hours movie of such huge budget are not needed now.

Content: Yes, content will be there are still today the SEO and SMo revolves around key words so, the content is not going to fade away till google devise other way of searching content.

What’s New: 2017 is the era of human realization! Yeah today you will find several websites which are focusing on spirituality, relationships (We are not talking of dating sites when I am talking of relationships; it is the real life relationships, which are getting popular today.)

Story telling: This needs special mention as today everyone is running towards storytelling, whether it’s a corporate or a medical website, everyone would love to communicate with the method of storytelling.

What’s the Scope?

I need to answer this question as till today there are entrepreneurs who are unable to understand the fact that mobiles and social media are gradually replacing television. Most of the advertisements and serials are now available online. One can stream the way they wish to. Online media is not just a trend or fashion it is the basic necessity to communicate with your audiences and customers.

Still can’t take the grip, let’s have a close look at growth statistics, more than 3.77 billion people around the globe use the internet services, and 2.80 billion of these users have social media presence. In the last 12 months, there has been a sharp increase of 21% in various social platform subscriptions. In developing economies like India, there are more than 600 million active users of internet technologies and mobile communications.

The booming knowledge economy with increased interest in cognitive domains augurs well for the competitive field of digital marketing. In India, The last 3 years have seen a steady growth in digital marketing services from 45% to 50%, with billions of Rupees budgeted for internet marketing in the next couple of financial years.

Globally, the traditional business organizations as well as e-commerce giants have strengthened their digital voice and upgraded their marketing strategies through innovative video campaigns and dedicated social media accounts. At the business end, the marketing chiefs have unleashed remarketing plans, software-as-a-service, cloud computing, big data approaches, and customer behavioural data analytics. At the opposite end, the customer-facing digital, experiential, and transactional devices are bound to provide revolutionary and low cost solutions for multi-channel digital marketing strategies as well as enhanced purchasing or ordering experience.

Talking of digital marketing jobs

The marriages of digital technologies and automated businesses have created a plethora of job opportunities for the eligible aspirants. These include -

  • Data Analyst

  • Digital Strategist

  • Social Media Marketer

  • SEO Expert

  • Digital Content Developer

  • Creative Designer

  • Mobile and Web App Developer

  • E-Customer Relationships Manager (eCRM)

  • E-Commerce Specialist

Wanna stay smart, stay online!

  • Nidhi Behl is an Author, columnist, blogger, inspirer, digital strategic consultant and keeps on exploring new avenues which come her way. Passionate to write on vivid topics and found her love at - & one of the Prime consultant of WBM

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